GG Allin Fan Page

GG Allin Biography

To many people, G.G. Allin was the ultimate symbol of rock & roll rebellion, taking it to the extreme, no one else was dangerous enough to explore. To some, he was too nuts to be taken seriously. there can be no doubt that Allin was the most spectacular Anarchist in rock & roll history. His Music was so violent, it got him arrested over 50 times.

He beat himself bloody with broken bottles, torn cans, and microphones. He attacked and was attacked by his own audience. He peed on the stage, on his band, on the audience and he often took laxatives before shows in order to poop on the stage.

No matter how awful he was, Allin had his supporters who admired his freedom of expression, or were simply amazed by the spectacle of a man showing all the ugliest, most primal sides of the human race.

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GG Allin

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GG Allin
Murder Junkies Savage Blood Bath I Love Nothing
Hated in the Nation You Hate Me & I Hate You Blood For You
Rock n Roll Terrorist Bite It You Scum You'll Never Tame Me
Dirty Love Songs Kill The Children Save the Food Abuse Myself